Substituição do equipamento

Para ajudar os pacientes manterem a adesão e o conforto durante a terapia, é fundamental que substituam seus equipamentos quando necessário.

Reserve um tempo informar seus pacientes sobre quando e como substituir os componentes dos produtos que usam e como isso está associado ao conforto e à eficácia da terapia.

As peças que precisam ser substituídas com mais regularidade incluem tubos, filtros e máscaras


  • Ward SA, Chatwin M, Heather S, Simonds AK. Randomised controlled trial of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) for nocturnal hypoventilation in neuromuscular and chest wall disease patients with daytime normocpania Thorax 2005; 60:1019–1024
  • C Senent et al. A comparision of assisted cough techniques in stable patients with severe respiratory insufficiency due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 2011; 12:26–32
  • Rabec et al. Evaluating noninvasive ventilation using a monitoring system coupled to a ventilator: A bench-to-bedside study. Eur Respir J 2009; 34:902–913
  • Bourke SC, et al Noninvasive ventilation in ALS: Indications and effect on quality of life Neurology 2003; 61:171–177.
  • Eagle M, Bourke J, Bullock R, et al. Managing Duchenne muscular dystrophy—the additive effect of spinal surgery and home nocturnal ventilation in improving survival. Neuromuscular Disorders 2007; 17:470–5
  • Leger P, Bedicam JM, Cornette A et al Nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation. Long term follow up in patients with severe chronic respiratory insufficiency Chest 1994; 105:100–105
  • Storre JH, Seuthe B, Fiechter R, Milioglou S, Dreher M, Sorichter S, Windisch W. Average volume-assured pressure support in obesity hypoventilation: A randomised crossover trial Chest.2006 Sep; 130(3): 815-21